Women workers are helping to fight the COVID-19 crisis in India | SaltWire

During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India, the Self-Employed Women’s Association made 20 million masks and distributed them all over the country. They mobilized their members to teach people about social distancing, washing their hands, and how to properly wear one of the masks that they made. “They had that massive network of outreach. A massive network of their members who could not only protect themselves but create awareness and protect the general public, and help the governm

A community of electric vehicle owners is changing minds in the Atlantic Canada | SaltWire

After Kurt Sampson bought an electric car his power bill went up 30 dollars but his gas bill disappeared. It is fair to say that Sampson is a fan of electric cars. He is on his third electric car and is a co-founder of the Electric Vehicle Association of Atlantic Canada (EVAAC), which according to the website, is “the largest body of EV (electric vehicle) experience and expertise in Atlantic Canada.” Their stated goal is to teach people about electric cars.